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3720 Ergebnisse für ""

(Un)günstige Motivprofile von Studierenden der Sonderpädagogik? Eine profilanalytische Untersuchung der Studienwahlmotivation unter Berücksichtigung der Ausbildungs- und Berufsbiografie

Zingg, Sabine; Sahli Lozano, Caroline; Bauer, Catherine (2023). (Un)günstige Motivprofile von Studierenden der Sonderpädagogik? Eine profilanalytische Untersuchung der Studienwahlmotivation unter Berücksichtigung der Ausbildungs- und Berufsbiografie. Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete, 92, S. 1-19 Ernst Reinhardt Verlag. 10.2378/vhn2023.art23d

Sabine Zingg Prof. Dr. Caroline Sahli Lozano Prof. Dr. Catherine Bauer

Philosophieren - eine kinderorientierte Forschungsmethode

Conrad, Sarah-Jane; Cassidy, Claire (2023). Philosophieren - eine kinderorientierte Forschungsmethode. In: Kümin, Beatrice; Mathis, Christian; Schellenberg, Urs (Hg.) Philosophieren und Ethik. Philosophieren mit Kindern (S. 155-167). München: kopaed


Predictors of Psychological Strain and Allostatic Load in Teachers: Examining the Long-Term Effects of Biopsychosocial Risk and Protective Factors Using a LASSO Regression Approach

Wettstein, Alexander; Jenni, Gabriel; Schneider, Ida; Kühne, Fabienne; grosse Holtforth, Martin; La Marca, Roberto (2023). Predictors of Psychological Strain and Allostatic Load in Teachers: Examining the Long-Term Effects of Biopsychosocial Risk and Protective Factors Using a LASSO Regression Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (10), S. 5760 MDPI. 10.3390/ijerph20105760

Correlations between motor competencies, physical activity and self-concept in children with intellectual disabilities in inclusive education

Schluchter, Thierry; Nagel, Siegfried; Valkanover, Stefan; Eckhart, Michael (2023). Correlations between motor competencies, physical activity and self-concept in children with intellectual disabilities in inclusive education. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 36 (5), S. 1054-1066 Wiley. 10.1111/jar.13115

Wenn Wasser unsichtbar wird

Dubach, Josua (2023). Wenn Wasser unsichtbar wird. SCHULEkonkret, 2023 (4), S. 8-11 KünzlerBachmann Verlag.


The relation of classroom climate to adolescents' countering hate speech via social skills: A positive youth development perspective

Wachs, Sebastian; Valido, Alberto; Espelage, Dorothy L.; Castellanos, Melisa; Wettstein, Alexander; Bilz, Ludwig (2023). The relation of classroom climate to adolescents' countering hate speech via social skills: A positive youth development perspective. Journal of Adolescence, 95 (6), S. 1127-1139. 10.1002/jad.12180

Dr. Sebastian Wachs Prof. Dr. Alexander Wettstein

Hate speech in adolescents: A binational study on prevalence and demographic differences

Castellanos, Melisa; Wettstein, Alexander; Wachs, Sebastian; Kansok-Dusche, Julia; Ballaschk, Cindy; Krause, Norman; Bilz, Ludwig (2023). Hate speech in adolescents: A binational study on prevalence and demographic differences. Frontiers in Education, 8, S. 1076249. 10.3389/feduc.2023.1076249

Associations between Social Competence, Perceived Parents’ Prosocial Educational Goals, and Adolescents’ Hate Speech Perpetration in School

Kansok-Dusche, Julia; Wettstein, Alexander; Castellanos, Melisa; Schwab, Céline; Subramaniam, Abimanju; Wachs, Sebastian; Bilz, Ludwig (2023). Associations between Social Competence, Perceived Parents’ Prosocial Educational Goals, and Adolescents’ Hate Speech Perpetration in School. Victims & Offenders, 19 (3), S. 419-446. 10.1080/15564886.2023.2189191

Teachers’ Perception of Aggressive Student Behavior Through the Lens of Chronic Worry and Resignation, and its Psychophysiological Stress Consequences. An Observational Study

Wettstein, Alexander; Jenni, Gabriel; Schneider, Sandra; Kühne, Fabienne; grosse Holtforth, Martin; La Marca, Roberto (2023). Teachers’ Perception of Aggressive Student Behavior Through the Lens of Chronic Worry and Resignation, and its Psychophysiological Stress Consequences. An Observational Study. Social Psychology of Education, online.