Contributions to the practice

Selected insights from research and development projects at Bern University of Teacher Education will be made available in condensed form in the series "Beiträge für die Praxis". The volumes are printed and published as an e-book by hep publishing house. All volumes are only available in German.

Volume 8 - Fokus Kindergarten

Publication planned (December 2019)

Volume 7 - Über Umwege zum Lehrberuf

Those who acquire the teaching diploma by following the second educational path will not only have a wealth of experience, but also established routines and expectations. Among other things, the volume investigates the following questions:

  • What are the requirements and challenges for career changers?
  • How do they establish themselves in the new profession and what role do their previous experiences play in this?



Volume 6 - Spiel- und Lernbegleitung

The learning processes of children should be the focus through daily open lesson sequences in the kindergarten and lower level education. This volume highlights

  • the framework conditions for play and learning support from the point of view of twelve teachers and
  • uses video analysis to show how teachers perform play and learning support in open lesson sequences.



Volume 5 - Reflexion zum Auftrag Pädagogischer Hochschulen

This volume was created as part of a lecture series on the 10th anniversary of the Bern University of Teacher Education. It

  • reflects the origins, the structure and the mission of universities of education in Switzerland and
  • names, comments and discusses their future challenges.



Volume 4 - Förderung von sozialen Kontakten im Fach Sport

The effectiveness of physical education in promoting social skills has barely been studied. Here, the fourth volume establishes and shows

  • how social learning can be specifically staged in physical education,
  • and why physical education per se does not have a positive impact on building social skills.



Volume 3 - Externe Schulevaluation im Kontext des schulischen Qualitätsmanagements

The completion of the project "School quality management" is the reason for a classification, reflection and documentation of the project with contributions

  • to the discussion on the importance of external school evaluation for education policy and school development,
  • to position the external school evaluation in school quality management and to present its practical procedures.



Volume 2 - Schulleitungshandeln im Kontext

The volume sheds light on the state of schools managed in the canton of Bern from the perspective of school directors, teachers and councils:

  • Overview of the state of research on school management activities
  • The current status of the managed school, with regard to organisation, stress or working time and allocation of school leaders, among other things
  • Relationships of school management activities with characteristics of the college and individual teachers.



Volume 1 - Classroom Management

Lesson design at the school entrance level:

  • An educational didactical concept for the school entrance level is presented
  • A detailed model of classroom management is described, illustrated with practical examples
  • The importance of classroom management is reflected on for lesson design

