Bern University of Teacher Education trains teachers for the entire school system: pre-primary, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary, as well as special needs.
Training at this university is characterised by a large amount of practical work, which is facilitated by the university’s cooperation with more than 70 schools offering internships. This ensures that students are well prepared for their future professional life.
Training takes place in the modern vonRoll university centre, which was completed in 2013. Bern University of Teacher Education shares these attractive premises with the University of Bern. The largest library in the city of Bern, the vonRoll library, can be found here.
Advanced training, media education and research
Bern University of Teacher Education supports teachers not only during their studies, but throughout their entire career – with advanced training courses, conferences and courses in advanced studies (CAS, DAS, MAS). Each year, the university provides around 300,000 hours of advanced training to a total of 25,000 participants. The university’s media centre offers practising teachers a large selection of teaching and learning media for all subjects.
The core tasks of Bern University of Teacher Education also include research, development and evaluation. The aim is to link research, teaching and school practice. The findings of the research, development and evaluation projects enhance practical application at schools and in teaching, and help to facilitate optimum training and advanced training of teaching staff.