While learning in life-sized virtual environments it is often essential to be able to walk.
Project description
Virtual Reality (VR) offers the possibility to move around in a virtual world via motor activity. However, there are different options how locomotion can be ac-complished in VR. One can locomote for example by means of whole-body walking movements like the ones in the real world, or the displacement of one-self can be performed manually by means of a controller. The influence of dif-ferent types of locomotion in VR on learning processes is still largely unex-plored. This research project will investigate the influence of different types of locomotion in VR on both learning and behavioral decisions (embodied learn-ing). The results of this project will be of fundamental interest for the design of VR environments. They will serve to show to what extent locomotor action is involved in learning tasks and to what extent it can foster learning.

Leiter Schwerpunktprogramm Bildung und digitale Technologien
Institut für Forschung, Entwicklung und Evaluation
+41 31 309 22 42