
Im Fachbereich Englisch beschäftigen Sie sich mit der Sprache aus fachdidaktischer, kultureller, literarischer und linguistischer Perspektive, um die dabei erworbenen Kompetenzen gewinnbringend in Ihren Englischunterricht einbringen zu können. Bis zum Ende des Studiums erreichen Sie eine hohe berufsspezifische Sprachkompetenz sowie fachdidaktische Kompetenzen, sodass Sie sicher und kompetent unterrichten können.


Studying English at PHBern requires you to reach a high level of competency by attending courses on a wide range of topics relevant to teaching the language at the secondary school level. This involves working on individual language needs and immersing yourself in the current English-speaking world. In addition to being well-trained in the latest foreign language teaching methodology and practice, you are expected to approach the C2 level by the end of your studies so that you can confidently and competently deal with situations arising in your role as a teacher of English. Experience is also gained through practice teaching and reflecting on what you have learned by developing your own ‹Berufskonzept›.

Merkmale zum Studium im Fachbereich Englisch

  • Die englische Sprache wird berufsspezifisch geübt und erweitert, dabei werden konkret Bezüge zu den Kompetenzen aus dem Lehrplan 21 und den Inhalten der Lehrmittel hergestellt.
  • Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Praxislehrpersonen in der Fachdidaktik wird eine praxisnahe Ausbildung gewährleistet.
  • Ein selbst organisierter Sprachaufenthalt von mindestens zwei Monaten im englischsprachigen Raum ermöglicht eine direkte Begegnung mit Sprache und Kultur. Selbstverständlich ist auch ein Austauschsemester an einer Partnerhochschule der PHBern möglich.
  • Für das Studium im Fachbereich Englisch wird kein Sprachdiplom vorausgesetzt, ein Sprachniveau von B2 oder höher ist jedoch von Vorteil. 
  • Als Abschlusskompetenz (zum Ende des Studiums) müssen Sie ein Sprachniveau auf Niveau C2 nachweisen. Der Nachweis geschieht im Rahmen der Ausbildung am Institut Sekundarstufe I. Wer bereits ein Cambridge Proficiency oder ein anderes Sprachdiplom C2 mitbringt, kann Antrag auf Anerkennung stellen.

Inhalte und Themen

An welchen Themen wird im Fachbereich Englisch gearbeitet?

  • Planning and teaching English lessons using task-based methodology: English courses at the secondary school today employ task-based methodology which means that their pupils engage actively with authentic, real-life situations and topics as the basis for learning English.
  • Improving your receptive and productive language skills: A high level of language competency is essential for teaching English at the secondary school. Flexibility in language use is key to competently dealing with a variety of classroom situations.
  • Drawing upon the experience and knowledge of the cultural diversity found in the English language classroom and the English-speaking world and making use of this in the secondary school classroom.
  • Evaluating learners’ needs and adapting lessons accordingly.
  • Assessing learners’ language skills.
  • Planning and evaluating projects in English which are based on authentic materials and, in some cases, the content of other secondary school subjects.


An welchen Kompetenzen wird im Fachbereich Englisch gearbeitet?

Students can competently teach English at the secondary school because their language skills are sufficient (C2*) and because they are able to adapt their English to classroom situations.

A high level of language competency is essential for teaching English at the secondary school. Through their studies in English at the PHBern, students improve their language skills by attending modules which deal with a wide variety of topics enabling them to improve their productive and receptive language skills. C2* means that students can use English at the C2 level in speaking, reading and listening; their writing skills are at or approaching the C2.

Students can plan and teach English lessons using task-based methodology. They are able to evaluate learners’ needs, adapt their lessons accordingly and assess learners’ language skills.

English courses at the secondary school today employ taskbased methodology which means that their pupils engage actively with authentic, real-life situations and topics as the basis for learning English. Lessons are lively, current and provide opportunities for language learning in many ways.

Students can organize and carry out projects in English which are based on authentic materials and, in some cases, the content of other secondary school subjects.

Content and language integrated learning has become an important part of language teaching in recent years. Students are equipped with the knowledge and the skills they need to successfully integrate both language and subject teaching. Thus their pupils learn the English language in conjunction with learning about a subject; language learning and subject learning go hand in hand.

Students can point out the connections between English and other foreign languages found in the secondary school classroom.

Foreign language teaching in Switzerland has undergone considerable change and development in recent years. In future, English will be taught in conjunction with the teaching of French as a second language. The use of English in everyday settings as well as connections between English and other foreign languages will be highlighted at the secondary school and, as a result, enable plurilingual pupils to function in today’s multilingual world.

Students can draw upon their experience and knowledge of the cultural diversity found in the English-speaking world and make use of this in the secondary school classroom.

Teaching English at the secondary school today includes teaching pupils about the range of cultural aspects found in the English-speaking world. Having spent time abroad in an Englishspeaking country provides teachers with a starting point for cultural input in the classroom. Such knowledge and experience is vital for well-rounded language teaching and learning.

Vertiefte Informationen finden Sie auch in den jeweiligen Studienplänen der verschiedenen Studienprofile.
